Sermons tagged with ‘Perseverance’

17 of 12 items

How to Keep On Keeping On


Hebrews 12:1-2. Do you ever feel like you’re running on empty? In this sermon Pastor Barry shares 3 “pills” you can take from the “pharmacy” of God’s Word that will boost your energy and endurance. SERMON BEGINS AT 17:08

Hang In There Baby


Luke 9:62, Matthew 24:10-13.  Perseverance is important, not only in the spiritual realm, but in the practical every-day living of our lives as well. It has been said that 99% of success is due to persistence…hanging in there and not giving up. Only a small hand-full of people reach the heights of accomplishment they are capable of […]

The Balanced Christian Life


John 14:6. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life…” Many Christians treat this passage as if it were multiple choice…Is Jesus  “A” The way, “B” The truth, or “C” The life?  We tend to choose the one we feel most comfortable with.  A (Jesus is the way) appeals to those who have a […]

Keys to Persistent Faith: Determination (Part 2)


Genesis 24:1-58. Once God has placed a dream in your heart one of the hardest things is getting started, so, this sermon is about determination. Using a story in the old testament about one of Abraham’s servants Pastor Barry will pick up where he left off sharing the remaining steps to take to reach your […]

Keys to Persistent Faith: Determination


Genesis 24:1-58.  Once God has placed a dream in your heart one of the hardest things is getting started, so, we’re going to talk about determination.  Using a story in the old testament about one of Abraham’s servants Pastor Barry will share ten very practical steps to take to reach your dreams.  The fact that […]

Dealing with Discouragement


UNEDITED VERSION. Many of the great personalities of Scripture experienced discouragement. Job, Moses, Daniel and even Jesus are among them. All of us have known it at one time or another. It is one of the most valuable weapons in Satan’s arsenal. Pastor Barry shares four practical steps you can take when dealing with discouragement. With […]