Sermons tagged with ‘Grace’

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Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread


Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:1-4. Bread represents all physical provision. We can’t be a spiritual being unless we are first a physical one and so God begins with the physical. God cares that our physical needs are met and because of that we don’t need to be preoccupied with the physical.  As a matter of fact God […]

What’s So Amazing About Grace?


Romans 1:17. On the Christian Calendar each year is Reformation Sunday, observed the last Sunday in October. In this sermon Pastor Barry introduces Martin Luther, the father of The Reformation, and shares how his life was transformed by the realization that, “the just shall live by faith”. Speaking about that verses’ impact on his life Martin said, […]

Overcoming the Barriers to Worship


The Heart of Worship: #4 Overcoming the Barriers to Worship. Hebrews 10:19-22. Between our own humanity and the ploys of Satan, there are many hindrances to our experiencing God’s presence and the heart of worship. In this sermon Pastor Barry identifies two of the most common barriers and how to over-come them. Through the blood […]

The Patient Father


Luke 15:1-31. The parable of the Prodigal Son is not nearly so much about the prodigal son as it is the father’s patience love and forgiveness.  Our heavenly father has given us great freedom; a marvelous freedom. He has resisted turning us into sheep or coins but because of that we are capable of acts […]

Just Because


7/18/10. (“O Worship the King” broadcast) Deuteronomy 7:6-11 Many times we make decisions, determine preferences, and decide on courses of action… just because. There is a fundamental conviction of the heart, and many times that conviction of the heart comes before anything else and so it is with God, there is no reason why God […]