Sermons tagged with ‘Happiness’

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Fully Alive


Matthew 18:1-4. Too many of us do not live life fully. We let it slip away. The people who are most often living life with any degree of fullness and joyful spontaneity are children. Maybe that’s why Jesus said, Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. […]

One is a Whole Number


Genesis 2:18, Mark 3:31-35. Singles now make up more than half of U.S. adult population. Half of our adult congregation is made up of singles, yet we hardly ever talk about singleness. In fact I am concerned that we are often insensitive to the needs of those who are single even though we certainly don’t […]

Fruit That is Never Out of Season: Joy


6/17/07 “But the Spirit produces the fruit of… joy,… Galatians 5:22 4 Be full of joy in the Lord always. I will say again, be full of joy. Philippians 4:4 Even the best of relationships go through ups and downs. You married a human being; your friend is a human being. As human beings we […]