Sermons from January 2018

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Leave Boldly


Living a No-Regrets Life: Leave Boldly. 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Everyone desires to live a life that matters, to make a lasting impact on this earth. Every day of your life you’re building a legacy, you get to choose what materials you’ll build with, but if you are going to build an eternal legacy, there are […]

Learn Humbly


Living a No-Regrets Life: Learn Humbly. 2 Corinthians 12:9.  People who face the end of their lives have a remarkable humility. They must depend on others. They are no longer self-sufficient or proud. Do you ever feel powerless in life? We have God’s power to help us in our lives, but so much of the […]

Love Completely


Living a No-Regrets Life: Love Completely. 1 Corinthians 1:18 & 1 John 3:16. Establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships can be like climbing a mountain. Christ showed us the power of love when He went to the cross, and then He tells us that we’re to love other people like that. The Bible reveals three strategies for […]

Live Passionately


Living a No-Regrets Life: Live Passionately. Mark 12:30 & Luke 5:18-20. Nothing great ever happens without passion. God wants you to love Him passionately and live life passionately. God created every one of us to be passionate people, but life tends to squeeze the passion right out of you. If you want to recapture your […]