Special Music
On the Sundays soloists, instrumentalists, duets, instrumental ensembles, etc. provide “special music”. This contributes so much to making our worship service meaningful each week. God has blessed this small congregation with a proportionately large number of very gifted musicians, but unlike some churches, where there is little or no opportunity to get plugged in, we will welcome you with open arms.
Praise Band
Our Sunday morning worship service is a nice blend of the traditional and contemporary. Hymns, accompanied by the organ and piano, an occasional responsive reading; these are more traditional forms of worship that are part of our service. The Praise Band brings that more contemporary feel as they lead a set of worship songs & choruses each Sunday. Our Praise Band consists of ukulele, bass guitar, key board, piano, DRUMS and 3-4 vocalists.
The Praise Band rehearses Thursdays at 6:00 pm. On Sunday mornings the Band meets at 9:20 am for a sound check and a quick run through of the morning’s set.