Pictured above: Our “Heaven Sent” Mission Team: (L-R) Casey Parker, Chelsea Petix, Analisa & Trent Brookshier, Darrin Alix, Brianna Lovett, Andrew Sexton and Michael Ferriera
My Thailand Mission Trip
My mission trip to Thailand (November 2014) has been a trip of a lifetime. I left Thailand feeling so spiritually fed, led, and blessed. My heart has never been so touched as it was these last two and a half weeks. Whether it was by the people we met, the cultures we were thrown into, or the team I traveled with, God was so present in every aspect of this trip. He exceeded all our expectations and every day we were able to praise Him for it. Our team asked the Lord to challenge us and take us out of our comfort zones and He did, everyday. I also loved witnessing my team grow in their faith, serve others, and with confidence worship God throughout their entire day.

Our days consisted of teaching the children at Agape International School in the mornings, where we prepared different activities, lesson plans, and games for them. In the afternoons, our host family graciously showed us around the city, to expose us to Thai culture. Many times, we found ourselves praying over the city, as a group. Hat Yai, is comparable to Nineveh. This city does not know Jesus, and many people have never even heard His name before. Our nights consisted of putting on Christian services around the community, in alleyways, and in people’s homes. Our group was able to share Gods love to people who have been raised in a Buddhist and Islamic community, as these are the two main religions in Hat Yai.
My personal favorite moment of the trip was when my mission team and I were evangelizing at the local university. I saw this particular Muslim girl, and I felt Jesus telling me to go and talk with her. Unlike many of the other people I had talked with that day she spoke perfect English. We were able to communicate very well, and I was also able to tell her why I was in Thailand. On that day, I shared my faith in Christ with her and how Jesus loves her too. By the end of our amazing conversation, we were holding hands and I was praying with her. Though this girl may not come to know Christ right away, I was able to plant a seed of faith and love. As Matthew 17:20 says, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Thank you for all the prayers, and encouraging words and financial support towards my trip. God truly had a mission for the people we encountered, and for our hearts. I’m grateful and humbled to have been a small part of it. It was an unforgettable experience!
One of my favorite worship songs this trip was Oceans, by Hillsong United, The words are, “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters. Wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander. And my faith would be made stronger. In the presence of my Savior.” Like these lyrics so eloquently suggest, may you too, consider mission work to further the kingdom of Christ. It will forever change your life. I know it certainly has changed mine, and I’m confident we have made a difference in the lives of many of the people we ministered to. For that, I am forever grateful to you for your prayers and donations.
Thank you, Brianna, for being faithful to God and His work. I am glad that you had a positive experience. I hope this will not be your last trip. May God continue to richly bless you wherever He leads you.