Sermons by Pastor Barry

17 of 411 items

Hang in There


Galatians 6:9. How do you hang in there after you’ve been knocked down time and time again? To dream big dreams takes courage because there’s always the possibility of failure. Dreaming can open you up for disappointments, and even ridicule. When that happens, we are tempted to abandon our dreams. When we stop hanging in […]

When Santa Doesn’t Deliver


Genesis 50:20. Disappointments will come. You can count on that. Our tendency is to become bitter and withdrawn. From the “other Joseph” in the Bible we learn how to triumph over disappointment. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares, that there is something else you can count on…God is with us, and He gets the last […]

Jesus: There’s Something About That Name. 


Matthew 1:18-23. God wants to be known in a very real, deep, intimate way. The message of Christmas is that God is no longer way off up there somewhere. Jesus’ name reveals God is with us. There is power in Jesus name. There is healing and hope in Jesus’ name. This message is abundantly clear […]

Jesus is Coming Again


LIVE ON  YouTube AND Facebook  SUNDAYS AT 10 AM  Revelation 19:11-21. Jesus is coming to earth again, not as a baby, but as King of Kings. Next to the subject of faith, the subject of the second coming of Jesus is the most dominant subject in the New Testament. For every time the first coming of Christ is […]

The Greatest Story Ever Told


 Luke 24:13-31. Just as water quenches our thirst, stories also, somehow hydrate us. That’s why we are intrigued by stories. We are attracted to stories. There is one overriding story in the Bible. It’s about Jesus but it didn’t start with the birth of Jesus. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares how it began all […]

Lord, Forgive Me When I Whine


 Numbers 11:4-6. Three million Israelites were freed from Egypt by Moses and were on their way to the Promised Land, a journey that should have only taken about a month max. Instead, they spend 40 years wandering in the wilderness. Wandering is defined as, “living in the space between where I started and where I […]

Keys to Success (II)


LIVE ON  YouTube AND Facebook  SUNDAYS AT 10 AM Genesis 24:1-58. Once you have a goal or a dream of what you want to accomplish one of the hardest things is getting started. This sermon is about determination.  Using a story in the Old Testament about one of Abraham’s servants Pastor Barry will share ten very practical steps […]