Sermons from 2022

17 of 52 items

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service


THE CEREMONY FOR  FOR LIGHTING THE FIFTH CANDLE (THE CHRIST CANDLE) ON CHRISTMAS EVE Candle Lighting Ceremony:  Relight the first four candles.  As the ‘Christ’ candle is lighted say, ‘the first candle reminds us of the hopes of the prophets, the second of the humble birth in Bethlehem, the third of the wonder of the […]

Lessons Learned from the Birth of Christ


Galatians 4:4-5. Woven throughout the fabric of the Old Testament is a promise of a Messiah who’s coming. In between the Old Testament and the New Testament is a 400-year period of silence. At the end of this period of silence God sends the Messiah, His only begotten Son. Jesus, the Messiah, makes His entrance […]

A Visit From Joseph Davidson


 Luke 2:4-6. Pastor Barry, playing the role of Joseph, tells the Christmas Story from Joseph’s point of view.  From it we will see how God used his simple trust and obedience to change the world. Sunday Bulletin Outside Bulletin 12-11-22 Inside Bulletin 12-11-22 Insert 12-11-22 Sermon Notes:  Sermon Notes (Blanks) –not available Sermon Notes (Answers) […]

The Forgotten Tree of Christmas


Acts 10 39-43. The Christmas tree has become a significant part of celebrating Christmas. It gets a lot of attention. The cross that Jesus died on is referred to as a tree and it too is part of the Christmas story. When so much attention is paid to trees that are covered with tinsel, ornaments and colored […]

Peace on Earth


  Luke 2:14, II Corinthians 13:11. The angels announced the birth of Christ by saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace…”  Isaiah foretold His birth by proclaiming He would be called the Prince of Peace. God is a God of peace therefore He wills it!  He desires for us to experience it and that we […]

The Peril of Prosperity


(Live on Sundays at 10 AM on YouTube and Facebook) Deuteronomy 8:11-20. Money, more than anything else we handle, can become the thing that pushes God out of our lives. That is the peril of prosperity. This is the idolatry that threatens to cut us off from our roots. On this Thanksgiving Sunday Pastor Barry reminds us that […]

Becoming Big by Being Small


Luke 14: 1, 7-14. Jesus spoke of the danger of pride and the need for humility. Humility is one of the most important characteristics of the Christian life. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares what it is, how it is acquired, and a not so obvious benefit of it. Sunday Bulletin Outside Bulletin 11-13-22 Inside Bulletin […]