Sermons from 2018

1521 of 44 items

Caution! Your Job Can Destroy You


James 4:13-17. The most important thing in the world is not things or money or jobs, it’s relationships – our relationship with the Lord first and then our relationships with family and friends. Unfortunately our decisions related to jobs don’t always reflect these priorities. James has apparently been listening in on a strategic planning session and […]

(Labor Day Weekend) Your Work Matters to God


Genesis 2:15. Three out of four people go to a job they’re not fitted for, called for, excited about or satisfied in.  To many American workers work is a necessary evil. Their goal is Friday and when they reach it they TGIF––thank God it’s Friday.  How does God view work? God created work not as punishment […]

Hang In There Baby


Luke 9:62, Matthew 24:10-13.  Perseverance is important, not only in the spiritual realm, but in the practical every-day living of our lives as well. It has been said that 99% of success is due to persistence…hanging in there and not giving up. Only a small hand-full of people reach the heights of accomplishment they are capable of […]

The Balanced Christian Life


John 14:6. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life…” Many Christians treat this passage as if it were multiple choice…Is Jesus  “A” The way, “B” The truth, or “C” The life?  We tend to choose the one we feel most comfortable with.  A (Jesus is the way) appeals to those who have a […]

The Healing Power of Touch


3/13/11 (Video version edited for the “O’ Worship the King” broadcast.)  “…some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man. …Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. …and touched the man’s tongue.  He looked up to heaven and […]

Jesus Christ and Superstars


I Corinthians 12:4-7,12,14,15,18-20,27.  We love our superstars.  Physical attractiveness, intelligence, athletic ability, strength, and wealth are all at the top of our society’s value system.  This leaves most feeling inferior, inadequate, unappreciated and unimportant.  The church does not exist in a vacuum, and as a result these values can and often do penetrate the church. […]

Our Limited Almighty God


Psalm 78:37-41.  God is almighty!  Nothing is impossible for God.  But God has placed certain spiritual laws in place that limit His power.  “Yes, they limited the holy One of Israel.” Psalm 78:41.  Are we guilty too of  keeping God from working mightily in our lives and in our churches?  I believe there are many things God […]