Exodus 3:7-10. Though raised and educated in Pharaoh’s household Moses is banished from Egypt and lives for forty years among the Israelites as a shepherd. But while he’s out tending sheep one day, he sees this bush that is burning but not being consumed and so he goes to check it out and God speaks to him, “…I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt. ”Moses is reluctant. He feels inadequate. He doesn’t want to do it, but God says, “I will be with you.” The main point of this sermon is disarmingly simple…Where God guides, He provides. That was true for Moses then and is just as true for you today.


We inherently feel the call to live for something bigger than ourselves, to become people who impact the world in a positive way. But many of us lack the faith to respond to that call. God is still using ordinary people to do extraordinary things for Him! In this sermon series drawing on the lives and faith experiences of ordinary people, Pastor Barry will encourage, inspire, and help us examine our lives and take practical, real-world steps to deepen our own faith and trust in God.