Sermons tagged with ‘Prayer’

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Our Limited Almighty God


Psalm 78:37-41.  God is almighty!  Nothing is impossible for God.  But God has placed certain spiritual laws in place that limit His power.  “Yes, they limited the holy One of Israel.” Psalm 78:41.  Are we guilty too of  keeping God from working mightily in our lives and in our churches?  I believe there are many things God […]

Philippians (3): Keys to Joy-Full Relationships


10-04-15. Philippians 1:1-11. If you want to be happy Philippians is a good place to start. Paul talks a lot about relationships. That’s important because it is impossible to be happy while your relationships are unhappy. If your relationships are unhappy, your life is going to be unhappy. The first eleven verses of Philippians are about […]