
814 of 38 items

“HEROES”; Paul


Acts 1:8. Paul is the least likely person you would expect to become a leader in the church. When we first meet Paul, he persecuting Christians. He was doing everything he could to destroy the church. Yet he has a dramatic conversion, and this is the person God chooses. The Book of Acts tells about […]

“HEROES”; King Asa


I Kings 12:8-11. After Solomon died the nation of Israel divided. The ten tribes that were in the north aligned themselves under a man by the name of Jeroboam, and they became known as Israel. At the same time, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin down in the south were loyal to their leader Rehoboam, […]

“HEROES”: Hezekiah


II Chronicles 29:3. Many of us go to Church and open up Scripture in hopes of learning the secret code… the code to how we get God’s blessing. Pastor Barry shares there is no “secret code”, but there is a life that God is more likely to bless than another and King Hezekiah is one […]

How to Make a Fresh Start


Isaiah 43:18-19.  Sometimes you give life your best shot but you still come up short.  It’s easy to focus on the failures of your past but God is far more interested in your future than He is your past.  In this sermon Pastor Barry shares practical Biblical ways to make a fresh start in the […]

Hang In There Baby


Luke 9:62, Matthew 24:10-13.  Perseverance is important, not only in the spiritual realm, but in the practical every-day living of our lives as well. It has been said that 99% of success is due to persistence…hanging in there and not giving up. Only a small hand-full of people reach the heights of accomplishment they are capable of […]

The Balanced Christian Life


John 14:6. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life…” Many Christians treat this passage as if it were multiple choice…Is Jesus  “A” The way, “B” The truth, or “C” The life?  We tend to choose the one we feel most comfortable with.  A (Jesus is the way) appeals to those who have a […]

Our Limited Almighty God


Psalm 78:37-41.  God is almighty!  Nothing is impossible for God.  But God has placed certain spiritual laws in place that limit His power.  “Yes, they limited the holy One of Israel.” Psalm 78:41.  Are we guilty too of  keeping God from working mightily in our lives and in our churches?  I believe there are many things God […]