Sermons from 2019

814 of 42 items



Mark 14:27-72. The pages of the Bible are strewn with the wreckage of men and women who have failed in their faith. There is none more familiar than Peter’s, recorded in Mark 14. The God who wrote the Bible is a God of grace who wants us to profit from the experience of failure in […]



Job 19:23-25.  Although the book of Job deals with suffering it is more a presentation of the process Job goes through while dealing with his suffering.  He identifies the source of his suffering. He confronts his suffering.  Job’s triumph was not in the last chapter when God restores his wealth. Job’s triumph was the affirmation […]

Guest Speaker: Cris Pangaribuan


John 10:27.  Cris is the pastor of Journey of Faith Fellowship. Cris was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia.  Born into a Christian family he served the Lord in the children and youth ministries.  He then moved to the USA after high school to pursue his music passion.   During that time his life’s direction […]

HEROES; Daniel


Daniel 11:32b. Daniel is living in a deteriorating society, the decline of Israel. But there in the midst of bad news, gloom and doom, Daniel says that even in a society that has no respect for God and the social structures are deteriorating…The people who know their God shall do great exploits, and in doing […]

“HEROES”; Paul


Acts 1:8. Paul is the least likely person you would expect to become a leader in the church. When we first meet Paul, he persecuting Christians. He was doing everything he could to destroy the church. Yet he has a dramatic conversion, and this is the person God chooses. The Book of Acts tells about […]

“HEROES”; King Asa


I Kings 12:8-11. After Solomon died the nation of Israel divided. The ten tribes that were in the north aligned themselves under a man by the name of Jeroboam, and they became known as Israel. At the same time, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin down in the south were loyal to their leader Rehoboam, […]

HEROES; Jesus (4)


Matthew 11:28-30. Jesus was no ordinary teacher, no ordinary king and no ordinary man. Jesus was both God and man—one hundred percent divine and one hundred percent human. The word “amazed” appears twenty-seven times to describe people’s response to Jesus. They were amazed at His miracles. They were amazed at the way He handled criticism. They […]