Sermons tagged with ‘Commitment’

17 of 10 items

“HEROES”; Paul


Acts 1:8. Paul is the least likely person you would expect to become a leader in the church. When we first meet Paul, he persecuting Christians. He was doing everything he could to destroy the church. Yet he has a dramatic conversion, and this is the person God chooses. The Book of Acts tells about […]

Guest Speaker: Andy Quient


[ First 4 minutes of recording blank ] Rev. Andy Quient is the Acting Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, the Southwest and Hawaii (ABCOFLASH). Andy left a highly successful career in international sales and management for a life in ministry and hasn’t looked back. His philosophy of ministry centers around […]

Living a No-Regrets Life


Living a No-Regrets Life: Mark 12:30. Someone has said, “Your life is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God.”  What are you going to do with your life, with the time you have remaining? Jesus came, not so much to add years to your life, as to add life […]

Living a God Pleasing Life: Conclusion


Living a God Pleasing Life Sermon Series What makes God happy?  The Bible says that, “God rewards those who diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6. What does it mean to “diligently seek Him” and are there ways that we can do that, that are more effective than others? What many Christians sadly misunderstand is that God isn’t into […]

The Distinguishing Characteristics of a Disciple


Mark 8:34-35. Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? The Lord showed us how important discipleship is by making the first thing He did in His public ministry gathering disciples, and the last thing He did in His public ministry sending those disciples into the world to make more disciples. In this sermon Pastor Barry […]

Worship in Spirit and Truth


“The Heart of Worship”: #2. Worshipping in Spirit and Truth. John 4:20-24. It is so easy to come to church and go through the motions. There’s a danger in rote repetition. People who do not have a growing personal relationship with the living God often focus on the externals of worship, but when a person […]

Can Jesus Trust You?


Matthew 25:19ff, John 19:26. On the cross Jesus asked John to do something He (Jesus) could not do for Himself… take care of His mother.  Jesus needed someone He could trust. In the years subsequent to Jesus’ death all the other disciples left Jerusalem, everyone except John. John stayed in Jerusalem until Mary died.  We […]