9/06/09 (Video version edited for “O Worship the King” broadcast on KWHE TV) Labor Day is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It was a strong work ethic that built this country. People were not afraid to roll up their sleeves and go to work. Unfortunately, today there seem to be more and more people expecting something for nothing. They’re waiting for the next bail out. It would appear the work ethic of some is, “avoid it at all cost.” God’s attitude about work is very different. Even before God gave Adam a wife, a child, and some clothes to wear, God gave Adam a job. God views work so highly he included it in one of the 10 commandments: “You shall work six days…” (Exod. 34:21 NASB). We tend to emphasize the last part of that verse, the part about one day of rest, but the first part of that verse is important too, and in this sermon, Free Rides Aren’t Free, Pastor Barry affirms the blessing work can be and the wealth of good things we miss when we have a wrong attitude about it. PLEASE NOTE: Special Music at the beginning of this broadcast is Tony and Shayna Fuller & the Cross-Current Worship Team singing “Work To Be Done”, recorded at our Saturday evening seeker service.