It’s a fact of life, you’re going to hurt people and they’re going to hurt you. How you handle those hurts, to a large degree, is going to determine your happiness in life. If you don’t respond correctly to hurt it turns into resentment, and resentment destroys relationships. Job was a man who had every reason to be filled with resentment, but he wasn’t, and God made the rest of Job’s life the best of Job’s life. Regardless of the pain you’ve had in your life, regardless of the failure you’ve experienced in your past, God can make the rest of your life the best of your life, if you’ll do what Job did.
Building Great Relationships: We all want to love & be loved; but what does a healthy relationship look like? With the speed of life today and the pressure of social media, do you find yourself disconnecting with the people who are important to you? Sometimes it’s easier to let relationships gather dust like photos on a mantel, rather than learn how to make them work. In this Sermon Series, based on the Love Chapter, I Corinthians 13, Pastor Barry will lead us in exploring ways to build stronger relationships. Learn how to improve communication, resolve conflict, and build stronger bonds with friends and family. Strengthening your relationships is one of the most important things you can do!