Sermons from May 2021

5 Items

Starting Well; Finishing Well.


II Timothy 4:7. In a race the goal isn’t just to start well, it’s also to finish well.  Trophies don’t get handed out to those who cross the starting line. We are reminded almost on a weekly basis of leaders in politics, athletics, business and even in the church who started well but aren’t going to […]

Escaping the Stranglehold of Bitterness


Ephesians 4:31-32. Bitterness is a condition of the heart. It is a deep-seated resentment that results from some past grief, disappointment, or emotional wound. Bitterness comes from an unforgiving spirit and can takes root and spread into every area of life. In today’s sermon Pastor Barry shares the key to escaping the stronghold of bitterness. […]

Can Jesus Trust You?


Matthew 25:19, John 19:26. On the cross Jesus asked John to do something He (Jesus) could not do for Himself… take care of His mother. Jesus needed someone He could trust. In the years subsequent to Jesus’ death all the other disciples left Jerusalem, everyone except John. John stayed in Jerusalem until Mary died. We […]

What Jesus Wants Us to Remember.


I Corinthians 11:23-28. Do this…in remembrance of Me are the familiar instructions Jesus gave His followers for observing the Lord’s Supper. But what exactly is it that Jesus wants us to remember about Himself? In this sermon Pastor Barry shares what Jesus doesn’t want us to forget, and it may not be what you’re naturally […]