Sermons from July 2020

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Finding Your Way Back


Revelation 2:4-5. The Church in Ephesus is being rebuked because they had lost their enthusiastic love for the Lord. Is it possible that with all that you’re going through Jesus is trying to get your attention? Could He be saying to you, “You have left your first love.” In today’s message Pastor Barry shares how […]

Does it Feel Like Your Life is On Hold?


Psalm 119: 60 Because of Covid 19 things are changing from day to day. It’s hard to know what to expect, and so it’s easy to just put things off. The problem with procrastination is there’s no guarantee that tomorrow will come. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares Biblical characters and passages that encourage us […]

What is God Saying to America Today?


Luke 3:1-16. Many have speculated that because of all that America has been going through these past several months God may be trying to get our attention and has something to say to our nation. It feels like the United States is stuck. Have you ever felt like you were in a rut and you […]