Sermons from October 2016

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The Life that Excels


Psalm 36. This Psalm contrasts human wickedness at its worst and divine goodness at its best – what people claim will make you happy and what God says will make you happy. Innumerable voices are clamoring to convey their message of what it takes to excel in life, but in this Psalm Pastor Barry shares three […]

Reaching Your Full Potential


Psalm 8. The most important question in life is, “What do you think of Christ?” The second most important question is found in verse 4 of Psalm 8, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” God’s answer asserts that He created us to have dominion, to be royalty. That was His intent but […]

The Truly Happy Person


Psalm 1. [First 4 min is blank] Throughout Psalms there is the contrast between the wise man and the foolish man. We tend to associate wisdom with knowledge but the opposite of wisdom is not ignorance, it’s foolishness. The person who does not have time for God in his life is a fool, that is […]

What’s So Amazing About Grace?


Romans 1:17. On the Christian Calendar each year is Reformation Sunday, observed the last Sunday in October. In this sermon Pastor Barry introduces Martin Luther, the father of The Reformation, and shares how his life was transformed by the realization that, “the just shall live by faith”. Speaking about that verses’ impact on his life Martin said, […]

Whom Do You Serve?


Matthew 6:24. In our text today Jesus says we have two options, we can serve God or we can serve money. Jesus gave money a Semitic name: “Mammon.”  This was not a part of the culture.  We find no parallels in historical texts.  It shows Jesus understood that money is not simply an object.  By […]