Lovett Notes

3134 of 34 items

Merry Memories of Christmas

by Barry Lovett

  My sister, Zanette, often reminds our family, when we’re together, that “we’re making memories”. And sure enough, time has proven her right for indeed each passing year brings to the crevices of our minds more precious memories, meaningful scenes indelibly etched on the canvas of our minds and hearts. Many of the portraits of […]

Perpetuating An Attitude of Gratitude

by Barry Lovett

“In everything give thanks….” I Thessalonians 5:18 Declaring a national holiday and filling our tables with Thanksgiving “goodies” doesn’t necessarily mean that one is thankful. Attitudes of ungratefulness, criticism and greed are not easily concealed with holiday festivities or pious Thanksgiving prayers. But I have discovered that saying thank-you and really meaning it has a […]

How Long?

by Barry Lovett

How long will you forget me, Lord ? Forever? How long will you hide from me?… I sing to the Lord because he has taken care of me. Psalm 13:1&6  In recent days I have found myself somewhat weary in doing good to those whose attitude seems to convey they couldn’t care less. When this martyr […]


by Barry Lovett

“A glad heart makes a happy face” Proverb 15:13 I’m not aware of any Biblical mandate to smile, but the Bible does have a lot to say about “joy” and a smile is the natural bi-product of joy. Let’s face it, (no pun intended) a smile improves any face and brightens any place; and it […]