The Call to 24-7 Prayer…

…is an movement to get churches in Hawaii praying for revival.  The goal is to get 31 churches to take a specific day of the month to mobilize the people in their congregation to pray for 24 hours.  The result would be someone in Honolulu praying 24-7!

UnknownFirst Baptist Church of Honolulu is responsible for the 24 hours of the second Monday of each month

Members and friends of FBCH are asked to cover the 24 hours of the second Monday of each month.  Please choose a one hour or 30-minute time slot that you can pray. If you can only pray for 30 minutes, find a partner to sign-up to take the other thirty minutes of your time slot.

Things to possibly pray for…

​    July8th ‘Prayer lists and styles’ suggestions

[Below are some alternative options… And you can structure or un-structure your time however you feel like.  This is something I have printed out myself and am ‘trying on for size’ today.  I tried more basic renditions in the past. — Ed]…

    • Making a list and setting a timer for two, three or five minutes or so for some of your prayer focal points, such as a category or a certain person in your family or workplace.  (as suggested by the list below, your own rendition or mental list)  [Please consider printing out this page or an edited version of it and marking it up during part of your prayer time today or any time]
    • (or just do free-wheeling or ‘popcorn style’** or so according to your heart, personality, preference)
      My style(s) for this time are to be: _________  _________ ________
    • In the below or other things pray whatever God puts on your heart.

Things to possibly pray for…  [concerns to consider including in your prayer time]
Select and/or check off items below or as spirit leads…

i. __ Intercede for family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, needy, lost and/or others.  By people group or by individual… (1-3m ea, 15m total) or (__m ea, __m total)
ii. __ Pray for your own needs:  Physical, Heart and soul, Practical, Work, Home, Financial, Relational, etc. (1m ea, 10m total) or (__m ea, __m total)

a. __ Pray for God’s will to be done and his kingdom to come to a greater extent (1-3m)
b. __ Pray for your Pastor and other Leaders in the church (__m)
c. __ Partial or full resolution of… national and international dilemmas and needs … {{ Famine, war, weather, moral and other corruption, etc.  (Poss 1-3m ea. for selected items, groups, issues, countries) (__m ea concern etc, __m total)
d. __ Please pray that a good, timely resolution will be worked out together for the immigration dilemma
by President Biden, Republicans and Democrats in Congress and the Senate. (__m)
e. __ Pray for other countries, especially those that have been in the news.
(__m ea, ___m total)
f. __ Correct and not evil responses to the results of the recent presidential debate, (__m)
g. __ Upcoming elections… all that goes into them, total outcomes — Nationally, and for the various states, cities, counties, regions, etc. (__m ea category, __m total)
h. __ Please pray the election outcomes for all races will be what will work out best for all the people they will effect. (__m)
i. __ Pray for repentance, and for individual people and churches to be as God intends for us to become. (__m)
j. __ Pray for what God brings to your heart and mind (__m ea, __m total)
k. __ _ACTS**** or other prayer pattern____   __m or __m ea
l. __ ________________________________   __m or __m ea
m. __ ________________________________   __m or __m ea

⦁ Total for all = _______________________________________________ = ___m
⦁ By item letter above:   i,   ii,   a,   b,   c,   d,   e,   f,   g,   h,   i,   j,  k,   l,   m, …
(eg i10+ii15+c2 +j3= 30 or so // or i10+ii15+g2+i2+c2+b3+a2+k5+l5+m4+j5+fudge factor = 60m)

** What I call Popcorn Style: is to (by intuition or heart) select one item at a time and the approximate time to pray for it and pray for it, and then select another and so on.  In a certain order, semi-randomly etc until the prayer time is finished or until your selections are exhausted.

    (I borrowed this style from a Bible Study teacher and Intercessory prayer session leader who happened to be a Hotel Industry Manager.  He did things this way sometimes, and designated also who of the group to have pray for each particular item.)

**** The A.C.T.S. method of prayer is presented in the General Prayer Guide… A – Adoration (love and worship toward God),  C – Confession,  T- Thanksgiving,  S – Supplication (asking God for things requested for self and others)

To use the sign-up page, simply click a timeslot you are interested in and submit the pop-up form that appears…    You may also SIGN UP in person, Sunday IN THE COURTYARD… Thank You to everyone who has signed up for this month, or for other months!!



Click on a time slot and submit the information requested. IT’S THAT SIMPLE!