1Yr_Home_Pastor“I will delight myself in Thy commandments, which I have loved.” Psalm 119:47. The Bible is actually a beautiful “love letter “from God, and the writer of Psalm 119 admonishes us to delight in its message and to meditate upon its contents.  How sad that many Christians neglect it. Sadder still that countless lost souls have never opened the Book at all.  All of us are alienated from God because of sin.  But He has provided a way of reconciliation. In the Bible He tells about it, and also expresses His earnest longing for fellowship with us.  If you are a born-again child of God, how precious His love message from Heaven ought to be to you! Are you reading it often?  If you are not a believer and pay no attention to the Bible you’re cheating yourself, and someday you’ll stand before God condemned and lost forever.  Then you’ll wish you had opened and read His “love letter” to you.  Too many people put the Bible out of their lives instead of into their hearts.