1Yr_Home_Pastor“…at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises to God.” Acts 16:25. Why were Paul and Silas singing at midnight? How could they rejoice in the face of such opposition? Consider their situation.  They were a long way from home, risking their lives by proclaiming Christ to a people who badly needed their help, yet resented it.  Men with selfish motives had spread lies about their work, convincing the locals that they were enemies of the state, and demanding their arrest. The town officials became extremely angry and ordered that they be beaten and thrown into prison. It was under these conditions that Paul and Silas sang in the middle of the night. They could sing in the dark because they were being what God intended then to be – His trusting, obedient servants.  The person who walks with the Lord has a song in the midst of trouble.