To all who are depressed and need encouragement; to all who are sinful and need a Savior; to who are blessed and desire to give thanks we say...WELCOME!
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Recent Sermons

Jesus is Coming Again

LIVE ON  YouTube AND Facebook  SUNDAYS AT 10 AM  Revelation 19:11-21. Jesus is coming to earth again, not as a baby, but as King of Kings. Next to the subject of faith, the subject of the second coming of Jesus is the most dominant subject in the New Testament. For every time the first coming of Christ is […]

The Greatest Story Ever Told

 Luke 24:13-31. Just as water quenches our thirst, stories also, somehow hydrate us. That’s why we are intrigued by stories. We are attracted to stories. There is one overriding story in the Bible. It’s about Jesus but it didn’t start with the birth of Jesus. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares how it began all […]

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Our Media Library

In cooperation with Right Now Media, our church library is now digital and gigantic; over 20,000 teaching videos for children, youth and adults. Choose from 27 different categories. Sign up now by sending us your name and email address, mentioning "Media Library" to Church Office.

Hawaiian Photos

The pictures of Hawaiian scenery and flowers through-out our website were taken by Pastor Barry. Visit "Barry's Hawaii" in the Photo Gallery to see more.