Please Note: This is not an exhaustive list of ministry opportunities. It is simply our hope that this list will heighten your awareness of the many and varied opportunities to serve Christ and stir your own creativity as you think and pray about how and where God wants you to serve.

The Church-Gathered


  • __ Ushers:
  • __ Greeters:
  • __ Praise Team
  • __ Drama
  • __ Music: Choir, Soloist
  • __ Visual Arts; bulletin Boards
  • __ Prayer
  • __ Communion Preparation
  • __ Baptism Preparation
  • __ Audio/Visual Technician
  • __ Graphics
  • __ Pastor’s Research Assistant
  • __ Hula
  • __ Interpretive Dance (signing)
  • __ Signing (Hearing Impaired)
  • __ Set-up
  • __ Counselor
  • __ Clean-up
  • __ Visitor Follow-up
  • __ Song Leader
  • __ Nursery Attendant
  • __ Absentee Follow-up
  • __ Information Table attendant
  • __ Lay leader (announcements, scripture)


  • __ Small Group Host/Hostess002 (2)
  • __ Photographer, Ohana Board
  • __ Refreshments
  • __ Social Outings/Events
  • __ Make Birthday Leis
  • __ Visit Shut-ins
  • __ Visit Hospitals
  • __ Food Service
  • __ Faith Friend
  • __ Facilitate Activities; crafts, Scrapbooking
  • __ Event Host/Hostess
  • __ Recreation Leader004 (5)


  • __ Teaching
  • __ Preaching
  • __ Small Group Facilitator
  • __ Ministry Mentor
  • __ Spiritual Mentor
  • __ Recruiter, Discipleship Classes
  • __ Support Groups
  • __ Prayer Ministry:
  • __ Special Interest Groups002
  • __ Registrar for Discipleship Classes


  • __ Sunday School Teacher
  • __ Women’s Ministry
  • __ Youth Ministry
  • __ Children’s Ministry
  • __ Child Care
  • __ Couples Ministry
  • __ Ministries to Senior Citizens
  • __ Ministry to Parents and Families
  • __ Singles/Young Adults Ministry
  • __ Ministry to Persons with Special Needs034
  • __ Family Camp
  • __ Plan Special Events /Programs


  • __ Keiki Carnival
  • __ Easter Eggstravaganza
  • __ Off-Campus Worship Services
  • __ Family Promise
  • __ Neighborhood Canvas
  • __ March in Parades
  • __ Set up Exhibit at events
  • __ Children’s Sports Camp
  • __ Soup Kitchen
  • __ Holiday Food Baskets
  • 038__ Food Pantry
  • __ Represent Church with Exhibit Display at Public Events

Support Ministries

  • __ Property Maintenance
  • __ Landscaping/Lawn Care
  • __ Matthew Squad
  • __ Financial Management
  • __ Organize Work Days
  • __ Organize Stewardship Campaign
  • __ Oversee Distribution of Keys
  • __ Carpentry Work
  • __ Electrical Work
  • __ Plumbing Work
  • __ Church Librarian
  • __ Church Historian66730_510986398949601_624210767_n[1]
  • __ Painting
  • __ Replenish Pew Racks
  • __ Clerical
  • __ Fold Bulletins
  • __ Stuff Envelopes
  • __ Set-Up, Sunday Mornings
  • __ Run Errands
  • __ Order Church Supplies541593_510986375616270_1582752466_n[1] - Copy
  • __ Filing
  • __ Answer Telephone
  • __ Word Processing
  • __ Web Master
  • __ Computer Skills

IMG_4619The Church-Scattered

In the Work Place

  • __ Bible Study: Lead or attend a Bible study with co-workers
  • __ Prayer Breakfast
  • __ Meet a co-worker’s need
  • __ Befriend a co-worker
  • __ Invite friends to a “bridge event”
  • __ Plan a businessman’s luncheon
  • __ Attend Pastor’s “Witnessing for Christ in the Workplace” Seminar

Resources for Effective Ministry in the Business World

  • Christians in the Market Place, Bill Hybels: Scripture Press, 1982
  • Your Work Matters to God, Doug Sherman & William Hendricks: NavPress, 1987
  • The Billy Graham Christian Workers Handbook, Charles G. Ward, ed. World Wide Publications, 1984

 20170219_094221In the Neighborhood

  • __ Host a neighbor Bible Study
  • __ Welcome the “New” Family
  • __ Makiki Community Center
  • __ Host a “5-Day Club”
  • __ Assist Families in Crises
  • __ Become a foster parent
  • __ Adopt a needy Child
  • __ Volunteer at Your Child’s School
  • __ Visit the Nursing Home
  • __ Visit a “Shut in”
  • __ Grocery shop for an elderly person
  • __ Volunteer at the Hospital
  • __ Adopt a Grandparent
  • __ Adopt a College Freshman
  • __ 400Volunteer to do yard work
  • __ Prison Fellowship
  • __ Homeless Shelter
  • __ Mentor a Child at Queen Ka’ahumanu School

As a Christian Citizen

  • __ Red Cross Volunteer
  • __ Habitat For Humanity Volunteer
  • __ Run for Public Office
  • __ Political Campaign Volunteer
  • __ Big Brothers/Big Sisters Volunteer
  • __ Seek to Influence Public Policy
  • __ Jail Ministry
  • __ Pregnancy Center Volunteer
  • __ Support Justice Issues
  • __ Soup Kitchen Volunteer
  • __ Join Rotary, Lions Club, etc
  • __ Join the Chamber of CommerceIMG_3783
  • __ Participate in a Support Group: Alzheimer’s, Care Givers, Cancer Survivor, Grief, etc.
  • __ Meals-on-Wheels Volunteer

Around the World

  • __ Sponsor a Child Through Compassion or World Vision
  • __ The “Ice Cream” Challenge
  • __ Go on a Mission Trip
  • __ Attend the World Mission Conference at Green Lake, Wisconsin
  • __ Buy a Goat for a Needy Family

Christ has no body now on earth but yours; No hands but yours, no feet but yours; Yours are the eyes through which his compassion will look upon the world; Yours are the feet with which he will go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which He will bless others now.Mother Teresa