Where to look in the Bible when you …

· need rest and peace – Matthew 11:25-30
· worry – Matthew 6:19-34
· are lonely and fearful – Psalm 23
· need peace of mind – John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-8
· are disappointed by people – Psalm 27
· grow bitter or critical – I Corinthians 13
· have sinned – Psalm 51; I John 1:9
· are discouraged – Psalm 34
· feel God is far away – Psalm 139
· are sick – Psalm 41
· feel sorrowful – John 14; Psalm 46
· are in danger – Psalm 91
· need courage – Joshua 1:1-9
· need assurance – Romans 8
· leave home to travel – Psalm 121
· think of investments – Mark 10:17-31
· need guidelines for living – Matthew 5-7; Romans 12
· need rules for conduct – Exodus 20:1-17
· need to know God’s will for your life – Proverbs 3:1-6