12/03/2023 all-day
Pastor Barry

A special feature of advent is the lighting of the Advent Candle by different families and/or individuals from our church family, during the worship service each Sunday in Advent and on Christmas Eve.


The Season of Advent

Candle Lighting Ceremony:  As the first candle is lighted, say, ‘The living flame in the Advent candles remind us of Jesus Christ, the light of the world.  As we light this first candle we recall that hundreds of years before Jesus was born, God’s people longed for the Messiah to appear.’

Scripture:  The Hope of the Christmas Prophecy    Isaiah 9:1-7

Story:  “How much longer will it be?’  Susan often asked as we traveled long distances on family trips.  “How many more days until Christmas?’  John asked many times during the days of Advent.  We all know how hard it is to wait for a long trip to end, or for a special day to come!!  The Scripture we just read reminds us of what the prophets hoped for while they waited and waited for the Messiah to come.  The joy of Christmas is that Jesus, the baby born of Christmas, is God’s son.  Jesus is the Messiah that had been expected for so many years.  The birth of Jesus brought joy to his family and to all the people of the world.

Prayer:  Dear God, the world needs the light of peace and love that Jesus taught as a way of life for all the people of the world. While we are waiting for Christmas, help us to show love toward one another and to work and pray for peace in the world.  Amen.