Lovett Notes

610 of 33 items

Are We Living in the Last Days?

by Barry Lovett

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up you heads, because your redemption draws near”  (Luke 21:28) Tsunamis.  Earthquakes.  Nuclear Threats.  Terrorism.  On-Going Conflicts in the Middle East.  Even skeptics are beginning to ask, “Are we living in the last days?” Are these the “signs of the times”  the Bible tells […]

Eight New Year Resolutions for First Baptist Church of Honolulu

by Barry Lovett

I recently came across the following list which expressed some of my hopes for First Baptist Church of Honolulu for the coming year.  I place the list before you as a challenge: In 2018 let us resolve to make First Baptist… A Grumble-Free Church:  A place where no one grumbles, complains, criticizes, or gripes.  A […]

Christ Our Message, Souls Our Mission!

by Barry Lovett

Go into all the world and preach the gospel  (Mark 16:15) Down through the centuries the challenge confronting God’s people has remained the same…YOU GO PREACH!  The great commission was not issued to a select few; it is unmistakably the responsibility of everyone who counts himself among those known as Christian. Every believer is a […]

Why Church Numbers Matter

by Barry Lovett

When the number of folks walking through the doors of our Church is growing so is our opportunity to impact the lives of the people represented by those numbers. That’s why those numbers are important. In a discussion I had recently with someone about church growth the person said, “My Bible tells me to feed […]

We are Accountable

by Barry Lovett

“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”   Romans 14:12 Nothing happens if someone doesn’t consider himself accountable.  Yet Christian organizations in general and local churches in particular often are at their weakest when it comes to holding their members accountable.  All of us, I’m sure, have observed that when […]