When I was eight years old, the Lord made himself known to me, and I readily embraced His fellowship. My newfound faith, however, was not well received at home. The Christian school I attended was not only the genesis of my awakening; it also became my central resource for affirmation and fellowship in those formative years. My mother was very spiritually-minded. She had imbibed the world’s view of Christ being another of the great moral teachers; but at some point in her life, she had violently rejected Christianity and Christian religion as a whole. We were not a typical, conservative American family and ready access to every imaginable spiritual and ideological concept affected my walk with the Lord. [MORE]
At the age of 13 I started attending The First Chinese Church of Christ on South King Street, not far from First Baptist Church of Hononlulu. In 1968 I gave my life to Christ. Unfortunately, when I turned 18 I walked away from Christ. I believed I didn’t need Christ and that I just needed to be a good person. Yet, as time went on, even with all the success I had, there was always a nagging emptiness to my life. Christmas 1987, I was working at the Kahala Hilton managing all the Bars. I talked a few of my co-workers into going to a Christmas Eve service. In my mind it was to get the Christmas spirit I felt I was missing.
At the Christmas Eve service, I listened to the Christmas Carols and started to reflect on the amazing gift God had given me. I was singing and crying, realizing that what I needed was not the Christmas spirit, but Christ. That is when I started going back to church and seeking after Christ. But it was still not until March 19 1988 that I recommitted my life to Christ and I’ve walking with Him ever since. Please know, the transformation didn’t happen overnight. God began to mold me and shape me. There was a lot baggage I needed to rid myself of. In 2008 me and my family started attending First Baptist Church of Honolulu. He continues to remind and teach me everyday. My desire is to become more like Him, serve Him and share the love of Christ with others.
When asked to share a testimony, I would normally say no. I’ve always been somewhat reserved and reluctant to draw attention to myself. But, things in my life have changed and I’ve changed. I know now my testimony is not about me, it’s about God, and how He has worked in my life. If God can use me to help someone I am happy to share my story.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 12 years old. At that time, my family lived in the suburbs of Chicago. My parents were Christians but didn’t like “church politics” so they were not attending church, yet they sent my brother and I on a bus to a Baptist Church every Sunday. One Sunday I remember the congregation singing the hymn Just as I am. The words and music were so powerful I couldn’t stop crying. I walked to the front of the church and I accepted Christ that day. I will never forget… [MORE]
I am a freshman at Hawaii Baptist Academy. I have been a Christian for a very long time, ever since I was little. Growing up in a Christian family and school, I never once doubted my faith. But as I am growing older and more things are happening in my life, I began to lose my trust in God. I’ve started to wonder why things happen and if He really does know what is best for me. It can be really hard for me to completely rely on Him, especially since I like to have control and always want to know what is going to happen in the future.
When things happen and I’m not prepared, I tend to get really scared and anxious, so when God puts barriers in my life, it can be really hard for me to trust that He knows what’s best for me and that it will all work out. God is teaching me that I need to put my whole trust in Him no matter what happens in my life because He puts things in my life for a reason and it will be okay. Obstacles are placed in my life to… [MORE]
Everybody has a story. Some may seem better than others but the greatest thing about being a Christian is how God can redeem our story and make it part of His story. No matter what we may have gone through, God’s love and grace can conquer all if we will take the time discover and accept His Will. I must say I had difficulty putting the pieces of my life together. To be honest, I still am, but it’s a task I no longer have to do alone.
I was only four when things started unraveling in my life. My mom, was going through a second divorce. Being that young, I was not cognizant of everything that was going on but as I got older, I realized it proved to be a huge turning point in all our lives. My mom, now a single parent of two naughty teenage boys and a nice, sweet little girl had the full responsibility of providing for our family. She had no job and no prior work experience. Her pride kept her from accepting help because she was determined to prove… [MORE]
Okay, so I was no angel, but I was raised by one. My father was a faithful servant of God who made sure I knew about God and Jesus. He saw to it that I attended Sunday school. When I was old enough and good enough, I began playing guitar in the Church Band, something I am continuing to do today at First Baptist Church of Honolulu.
At seventeen with the help of my father, I joined the Navy. It was a wonderful new adventure and I loved the thrills I began experiencing during this time in my life…hang gliding, parachuting, free climbing, free diving, flying ultra-light planes. My desire for adventure led me to sign on to be a Provost Marshall in the Philippines, a dangerous assignment. Being in gunfights is no fun, but I found it to be an amazing adrenalin rush. I thought I had found myself. [MORE]
I am a happy, outgoing, joyful Christian girl. I feel so blessed to be able to say that because those words haven’t always described my life. My life is very different today than it was just a few years ago. My life bares witness to the transforming power of God’s love and His Word. You see, it wasn’t too long ago that Satan had complete control of my mixed up life, using me to advance his kingdom of darkness although I didn’t know it at the time. Only God could have delivered me from Satan’s grasp.
I come from a dysfunctional family. While my father (often away in the military) loved and cared for me and my siblings, his multiple affairs, which were no secret to my mother, has left a legacy of trust issues in my life. My mother would often respond in anger and fits of rage to his infidelity. In one instance she chased my father into a crowded marketplace with a grenade threatening to kill him, herself, my two younger siblings, and everyone around. [MORE]
I was raised in a small town in PA. My father was a Quaker and my mother was a Presbyterian. Thus, I was raised in a “religious” home. We always said prayers at meal times and at bed times and I was a well-behaved child growing up. However, I never heard about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I basically believed in “salvation by works” that is, being good enough to get to heaven. I think that subconsciously, this belief drove me to be “good”. [MORE]