1Yr_Home_Pastor“Dorcas…was always doing good and helping the poor.” Acts 9:36. Dorcas was a woman of rare virtue and her untimely death greatly saddened the hearts of those to whom she had faithfully served. The Scriptures say that when the apostle Peter arrived on the scene, many widows “stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.” Her faithful devotion to the Lord in commonplace things, and her loving compassion for others had made her a worthy model for them to follow.  What joy they experienced when Peter was able to raise her from the dead.  May the worthy example of Dorcas spur us on to be faithful in doing loving deeds that bring blessing to others and credit to our Savior!  Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.