1Yr_Home_Pastor“And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:24. Today’s Scripture passage shows that man’s sinful heart can influence his mind just like a magnet can affect a compass.  Many of Jesus’ countrymen thought they were moving in the right direction in their denial of Him as Christ.  Micah the prophet had said He would be born in Bethlehem.  But they reasoned this man is from Galilee.  How then could He be the Messiah?  What these people were overlooking was a problem in their own hearts.  They were biased against Him because of the threat He seemed to pose to their religion. So, maybe without even realizing it, they became careless with the facts. Rather than checking out the evidence that seemed to disqualify Him as Messiah. They settled for what they preferred to believe.  Sin blinds our eyes; grace opens them.