1Yr_Home_Pastor“…if a man be overtaken in a fault, …restore such a one in the spirit of meekness.” Galatians 6:1. Restoration is a marvelous process that is continually taking place throughout God’s creation.  In nature we can observe the built-in system of repairing and normalizing that which is damaged, weakened, or broken.  This can be seen most clearly in animals and human beings.  As I thought of this wonderful provision of God, I was reminded of the need for restoration among believers.  If a brother or sister in the Lord is overtaken in some sin or fault, fellow believers have the responsibility of quickly bringing that one back to fellowship with the Lord. The loving touch of a strong believer can help him find his way again to a place of usefulness and service. This ministry of reconciliation is to be carried out with a humble and prayerful attitude.   If your heart is burdened for a believer who once was living close to the Lord but has fallen into sin, maybe God’s Spirit is leading you to help restore that person.