“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to test you.” I Peter 4:12. If we could plan our lives, we would tend to choose the easy way without trial. But God often leads His own through the fire of testing so that the beauty of Christ-like character will be perfected in us. If you, are going through a deep trial, which seems to be lasting far too long or has been repeated too often the Heavenly Father may be developing some aspect of your character. He could have chosen to lead you along a different path, but He didn’t. He either ordered or permitted your troubles so “These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes, …may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus is revealed.” (I Perter 1:7) Think about a fine piece of china or lovely earthenware. It couldn’t be a thing of usefulness and beauty if it had not been first exposed to the heat of the kiln. The fullest benefit is gained from our fiery trials if we greatly rejoice. So let’s not resist and rebel, the divine Artisan wants to leave upon us the hallmark of Heaven. The more God’s gold is purified in the furnace of trial, the brighter it shines!