1Yr-About-Ps-Barry-Pastor“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us.” Hebrews 12:1. Have you ever felt pressured from every side? You want to stay true to Christ, but you constantly feel the allurement of the world from without and the almost irresistible pull of sinful inclinations from within.  When we feel pressured to give in to the sin that surrounds us, we are to look to Jesus, the author of our faith.  He is our example.  As He approached the hour of His crucifixion, Jesus was encircled by the most powerful forces of darkness know to any human, yet He came through to victory.  Wounded? Looking for relief?  Stay close to Jesus. Trust Him.  He’ll turn the tide of battle so that you won’t be destroyed.  The powers of evil around you are no match for the power of Jesus within you.