
March 29, 2023

Dear Members and Friends,

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…”  John 14:6. Easter reminds us that Truth is eternal.  You may nail it to a tree, wrap it up in grave clothes, seal it in a tomb; but Truth shall rise again.

During Holy Week we celebrate this wonderful, eternal Truth.  I hope you’re planning to join us for our Holy Week services: Palm Sunday April 2nd, Wednesday Dinner and Program, April 5th 5:30pm, and Easter April 9th. Also, now’s the time to order Easter Lilies “in honor of”, “in memory of” or “in celebration of” loved ones or events (ie. Anniversary, Birthday, etc.). You may use the enclosed form.

Every Easter we receive a special Easter offering. If, out of the gratitude in your heart for the impact of God’sTruth upon your own life you’d like to present a gift above your regular giving, please use the envelope enclosed. This year’s Easter offering will go toward eliminating our budget short fall. We ended 2022 with a $10,000 deficient. We borrowed from savings and have made every effort to reduce expenditures, but this past month we are approximately $3,000 short of meeting our financial obligations. We need your help to meet this financial need and get us back on a strong financial footing. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this opportunity.

Truth does not perish; it cannot be destroyed. It may be distorted, it has been silenced temporarily, it has been compelled to carry its cross to Calvary’s brow, but with an inevitable certainty, after every black Good Friday, dawns Truth’s glorious Easter morn.  Yes, God’s Truth is marching on… and just think, He allows us, yes, even invites us, to be a part of it’s glorious triumph. Hallelujah! The Lord is Risen!

In His Truth,

Barry D. Lovett, Pastor