The Secret to Living Life to the Fullest (part one). [Music at the beginning is the worship team in singing Mighty to Save] James 4:13-15. The secret to Living life to the fullest is perspective. So much of life depends on your perspective. One who is able to view life with perspective is one who is able to see things in their true relationship with each other and their relative importance. In many ways what we see in our past and visualize in our future determines our perspective of the present.  Key Words: Perspective, Change, Contentment

The Secret to Living Life to the Fullest (part two).[special music at the end of the sermon, We Have This Moment, Barry and Jody] To gain a new perspective we need to look at “time past”, “time future” and “time present” in each case one central message rises to the forefront. From our look at “time past” we learn life is short. From our look at “time future” we learn life is uncertain. From our look at “time present” we learn life is challenging. Key Words: Uncertainty, Challenging, Procrastination

11/14/10.Where is God When it Hurts (part one). Job 19:23-25 When I hear people talk about Job its as though God forsook Him. Although Job deals with suffering it really is not just a treatise on suffering. It is more of a presentation of the tools or methods one can use to work through suffering; a picture of Job working through his suffering. The testimony of Job and the message of the Bible is victory over suffering. God may allow us to be put into the lion’s den but he’ll be there with us. Key Words: Suffering. Victory. Trust. Blame.

1/31/10. How to Listen to a Sermon (part one). I Corinthians 2:1-16 Listening to a sermon is probably not on most people’s list of most exciting things to do. There’s tremendous pressure on preachers today, many who might ordinarily be receptive to God’s call to ministry are reconsidering. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares the difference in preaching and teaching and that The sermon you think is good is not likely to be the one that will do you the most good. According to Paul preaching has as its primary purpose the proclaiming of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

1/31/10. How to Listen to a Sermon (part two). In part twoI Corinthians 2:1-16  In part two Pastor Barry answers the question, “What is the responsibility of the listener” In the church today too much emphasis is on the preacher and not enough emphasis on Jesus and His message being prayerfully received by the congregation. In the church today too much emphasis is on the preacher and not enough emphasis on Jesus and His message being prayerfully received by the congregation.