Sign Up for Day of the Week to Pray
- Sign up for an hour or half hour block of time to pray for Ukraine once a week or each day as desired. You can delete or change your signup day(s) at any time.
Options to make a monetary contribution:
On March 23rd ABCOFLASH hosted a forum on Ukraine. Here is the video of that event. May we continue to pray for Ukraine and give to help the churches in Europe that are helping refugees.
As mentioned in the Ukraine Forum funds from One Great Hour of Sharing are being given to the European Baptist Federation that is facilitating a response to the humanitarian crisis of refugees from the war in Ukraine. The best way to help is by making a financial contribution to One Great Hour of Sharing.
- Churches are encouraged to send donations using the ABC/USA Giving Form with your church PIN number so that your church will receive credit. On the form designate funds to “OGHS – Ukraine Relief” and send to American Baptist Churches USA, P.O. Box 95000, Philadelphia, PA 19195-4335. Contact the regional office at or 818.839.6070 to have YOUR mission remittance form sent to you directly.
- Individuals can give through your local American Baptist church or by online giving on the IM website or by sending a check made payable to “International Ministries” at 1003 W. 9th Ave., Ste. A, King of Prussia, PA 19406-1210. Be sure to designate your funds to OGHS – Ukraine Relief.

Prayer Focus:
How to Sign Up
- Click on the box below the day of the week you want to pray.
- Fill out the pop-up form.
- The amount of time you pray on any given day is up to you. Possibly half hour or an hour or any length.
More tips…
- To be able to delete your signup if needed, you must be using the same device/ browser/ connection/ cookie as then.
- Hover over long names to see all of them. They are cut off to fit the box.
- You can click the [x] next to your name to delete it.
- If you want to change days, delete your first signup and schedule another day.