
7 Items

Where Does God Hang Out?


Isaiah 57:1. There are some places where God is more likely to be found. The prophet Isaiah under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit says there is a place where God dwells. We tend to want to meet God on our terms, on middle ground that is comfortable, but Isaiah cautions not to take God […]

A Worshipful Church: What We Do and Why


The Heart of Worship: A Worship-full Church: What We Do and Why. Psalm 122:1. Any discussion of worship must include the topic of praise. Praise is so much a part of worship that to praise God means to worship him.  We often use the terms interchangeably. People instinctively praise whatever they enjoy.  The Psalmist knew that […]

Overcoming the Barriers to Worship (Pt.2)


The Heart of Worship: #5 Overcoming the Barriers to Worship (2). I John 4:18 & Matthew 22:37. There are barriers that keep us from experiencing the heart of worship. One is having a false image of God that leads us to fear Him. Just as the blood of Jesus supernaturally washes away your guilt, there […]

Overcoming the Barriers to Worship


The Heart of Worship: #4 Overcoming the Barriers to Worship. Hebrews 10:19-22. Between our own humanity and the ploys of Satan, there are many hindrances to our experiencing God’s presence and the heart of worship. In this sermon Pastor Barry identifies two of the most common barriers and how to over-come them. Through the blood […]

Experiencing the Presence of God


“The Heart of Worship”: #3 Experiencing the Presence of God. Psalm 22:3. While the key to experiencing the presence of God is praise and worship, the key to praise and worship is music. It is a very distinct type of music, identified not so much by the notes, harmonies and rhythms as much as by the […]

Worship in Spirit and Truth


“The Heart of Worship”: #2. Worshipping in Spirit and Truth. John 4:20-24. It is so easy to come to church and go through the motions. There’s a danger in rote repetition. People who do not have a growing personal relationship with the living God often focus on the externals of worship, but when a person […]

Pleasing God with Our Worship


“The Heart of Worship”: #1 Pleasing God with Our Worship. Isaiah 1:11-15. How does God feel about our worship? We often evaluate worship on the basis of how we felt about it, but how does God feel about it? It’s obvious from Isaiah 1:11-15 God has an opinion and in that case it was not […]