(Stewardship Sunday) Joy No Matter What:  God’s Promise to the Generous (Part 2)


(Live on Sundays at 10 AM on YouTube and Facebook)

In Philippians 4:14-20 the apostle Paul gives insight into six specific ways you will benefit when you’re a giver and not a taker. In fact Paul ties the promise that “…God will take care of everything you need,…” v.19 to generosity.  “The kind and generous man benefits himself.” Proverbs 11:17. Last week Pastor Barry shared 3 ways you will benefit  when you are generous. In this final sermon in the Philippians sermon series, Joy No Matter What,  he shares the remaining three benefits… 4. It strengthens your faith. 5. You are investing in your eternal home, and 6. You make God smile.

Sunday Bulletin

Sermon Notes: 


Philippians is the most joyful book in the Bible. it is literally full of joy. The words joy, glad, enjoy, rejoice, happy & happiness are used in various forms seventeen times, and there are only four chapters!  It’s the happiest book in the Bible. What’s amazing about the happiest book of the Bible is that it was written by Paul while he was in prison in Rome which goes to show you can experience JOY NO MATTER WHAT!