Philippians 3:1-21. In this passage we find five things, that when we develop them as habits, will lead to greater happiness. All five can be done during a fifteen-minute quiet time. In this sermon Pastor Barry shares three of the habits, the first of which has to do with God’s grace and it’s implications for our lives as believers. The Bible is all about what God has done for you and what Jesus did for you on the cross, not about what you do for God. The second is about remembering what’s really most important in life. It’s usually the small irritations that cause you to lose your happiness. And thirdly, get to know Jesus a little better each day. We were made to live in relationship with God. We’re only kidding ourselves if we think we can be joyful without accomplishing the very thing we were created for. We need to understand the difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone.