FBC-101: Introducing Membership in God’s Family
This class, also referred to as The Welcome Class, is a great way for us to get acquainted and welcome you into our fellowship. In it you learn what we’re all about as a Church. Pastor Barry is the teacher, shares the four things that unite us together as a family of believers.
- What God has done for us
- Why we exist as a church
- How we fulfill our purpose
- When and where we fulfill our purpose
Whether you’re contemplating becoming a member of FBCH or just wanting to know more about what it means to be a person of faith, this is a good place to begin.
To register contact Pastor Barry at BARRYDLOVETT@AOL.COM. or text 248-981-4467. There is no fee. Child care is available, also free of charge, if requested in advance. Advance registration is required as notebooks and refreshments are provided.
Please Note: FBC-101 is one of four Discipleship Classes. While taking FBC- 101 doesn’t obligate you to take the other three classes, the four classes combined are the path to discovering what it means to be fully devoted followers of the Master, Jesus Christ. To learn more about the Discipleship Classes [CLICK HERE]