Hilton Lagoon
Honolulu, HI 96815
40th Annual Hawaii Prayer Breakfast
“We, the people of Hawaii, grateful for Divine Guidance, and mindful of our Hawaiian heritage and uniqueness as an island State, dedicate our efforts to fulfill the philosoplhy decreed by the Hawaii State moto, “Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono.” (Preamble to the Hawai’i State Constitution)
As those involved in the framing of our state constitution have expressed their gratitude to the Almighty for our very existence, we likewise seek Divine Guidance to meet the many challenges that are before us. Therefore, we encourage you to pray for the Governor, Mayors, Legislators, appointed government officials and Military Leaders to reaffirm the foundation and spiritual values upon which our state and nation were founded.
The 40th Annual Hawaii Prayer Breakfast welcomes Ravi Zacharias as its keynote speaker. A world renowned minister, speaker and author, he will share his perspective on leadership, life and facing challenges in our world today. Ravi will also participate in a open Q&A session at the Inspirational Forum immediately following the prayer breakfast.
For more information and to purchase tickets visit www.hawaiiprayerbreakfast.org.